Studio Notarile de Crecchio - Palmieri
Roma 06-54210221
Genzano di Roma 06-9363315


The office of Notary Andrea de Crecchio and Notary Paolo Palmieri boasts thirty years of professional experience.

The activity takes place mainly in corporate, real estate, banking, heredity, no-profit organization. The office also specializes in the field of trusts, family agreements and cohabitation agreements.

There are two offices: Roma and Genzano di Roma.
About ten people work , most professionals such as lawyers, accountants and graduate in law or economics, which assist the customers to choose the most appropriate legal instrument for legal and tax.

The strengths of the study are accuracy, reliability, the full availability and speed of execution.

To request more detailed information and to receive a quote on time and free of charge, you can contact directly the studies.