Studio Notarile de Crecchio - Palmieri
Roma 06-54210221
Genzano di Roma 06-9363315


The total cost of which is paid to the notary's office consists of taxes, fees, closely related to the practice and study fees.

Some people believe the notaries are all the same and their professional's choice is determined by the cost of the service. This principle does not take what should be the real priority let's say, the identification by the Notary of the most appropriate legal instrument to achieve the desired goals and the soundness of the proposed solution over the time. This is the most important feature of the profession that differentiates a Notary from another one.
The Notary Paolo Palmieri is able to offer for each customer and issue tailor made solutions.

If you want to get an accurate quote and detailed it is necessary to provide all the information and documentation in order to assess the complexity of the activity.

To request a quote, contact the office on the section Quotation